Tuesday, June 12, 2007

i'm kinda tired so i'm just going to bitch about b list ex-sports guys on local news stations.

it should be illegal for ex-b list athletes to read the sports news on local television stations.

the worst is the anchorman on ctv news (his name escapes be, must have blocked it out mentally because the experience of listening to him is so scarring). from the moment he opens his mouth until he ends, it's nothing but a series of inside jokes and one liners (which he personally seems to find uproariously clever) strung together with his biased opinions and random clips, only some of which have anything to do with sports. it's completely incoherent and i find myself so distracted in my attempts to follow his line of thinking that the true focus, the athletes and the scores, are completely lost in translation. you know things are particularly sad when even his coanchors don't know how to respond. unsure of what to say when he pauses and grins in their direction they all smile awkwardly secretly wishing he would just have his mid life crisis in private.

the abysmal writing aside, no one seems to have taught these guys the who-knew-it-was-a-skill of reading and breathing at the same time. when mark kinney(? i'm guessing again, old guy, ex-leaf) from city tv goes through his spiel, i get anxious, my chest hurts as i hold my breath along with him in sympathy. half of the time i continue to watch until the end of the segment just to be sure that someone's around to witness a potential collapse!

don't get me wrong, some ex-pros are real class acts that have insightful things to say but please, for the love of god, let's just give air time to the ones who weren't out playing golf when they gave the seminar on how to talk like you've been doing it all your life.

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